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Doryn Chervin
Aug 7, 2023
Introducing Dr. Doryn Chervin
Introducing Doryn Chervin, the newest member of the Easing Anxiety team.
D E Foster
Oct 5, 2021
A Day in the Life…of Protracted Withdrawal
What is it like living in protracted withdrawal, seven years out? What are the joys? What are the pains? What are the triggers? What...
D E Foster
Sep 30, 2021
BIND Symptoms
Benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction (BIND) can come with a barrage of expected, unexpected, and even sometimes bizarre...
D E Foster
Sep 15, 2021
Surviving Setbacks in Benzo Withdrawal
Are setbacks common in benzo withdrawal? What causes them? How long do they last? And how do you deal with them? Benzo withdrawal can be...
D E Foster
Apr 28, 2021
COVID and Benzos: Immunity, Vaccines, Symptoms
Is COVID more dangerous if you are on benzos? What if you are in withdrawal? What about the vaccine? Will it elevate my symptoms? In...
D E Foster
Apr 21, 2021
“Medicating Normal” Screening and Discussion Panel on April 27th
The Benzodiazepine Action Work Group of the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention hosts a screening of Medicating...
D E Foster
Apr 9, 2021
What’s New in the Benzo Community: Stories, Events, and Advocacy
What’s been going on in the benzo community lately? Any progress on awareness, education, legislation, support? Any upcoming events? Any...
D E Foster
Mar 1, 2021
On the Road with Benzos IV: Surviving the Trip Back Home
Anxiety. Benzos. Symptoms. Withdrawal. Overwhelm. Family drama. Wooded trails. Sleepless nights in cheap motels. Long walks and deep...
D E Foster
Dec 31, 2020
Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms: Questions, Confusion, Obsession
Is this pain part of benzo withdrawal? What about this ache? Or memory loss? Or Confusion? Or Restlessness? It seems incomprehensible...
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